3 Advanced Marketing Tips for Writers

The Writer
Originally uploaded by OddBall7
By : Jinger Jarrett

Being a writer, in my opinion, is absolutely the best kind of business that you could possibly start. After all, writing has been a type of business for thousands of years.

The key to being a successful writer is to build a following of loyal readers who want to read your work. If you do that, then every time you publish, this will help you easily sell your work.

Also, if you're looking for a big name publisher, what better track record could you offer for a book publishing contract, than a market you've already established?

There are three very powerful ways that writers can use to build and profit from their markets, and once you set up the first two, building your reader base will be practically automatic.

Here are three things you can do to sell more of your work and build your reader base:

1. Create an affiliate program.

An affiliate program is where you pay a percentage on a sale of your work. In other words, you allow others to sell your work for you.

The advantage of using an affiliate program is that your affiliates could sell your work in markets you may not have considered. This could expand your reach and help you sell a lot more of your work.

What's key here is to set up an affiliate program management system that's automated, i.e. affiliates can sign themselves up and set up their campaigns.

You also want to make sure that you offer plenty of promotional materials for your affiliates. This may include sample chapters of your books, ads, articles, etc. Just make sure you have a good tracking system in place so affiliates get credited with sales.

2. Build a list.

A list is a group of people who are interested in your writing. This can be your readers, or it can even be other writers.

Building a list means offering a newsletter, a free giveaway (sample chapters from your books, free ebooks, white papers, etc.) or some other premium for joining your list.

The purpose of building a list is that it makes it very easy for you to notify your readers of new releases or other products and services you offer. Also, you build a relationship with your readers, which makes it easier to get them to buy your work.

3. Send out a press release.

Every time you release a new book, create a new service, or generate some other kind of news, that's news you should be sharing. By sending out a press release, you can let others know more about what you have to offer. Since a press release is as much news as it is advertising, it's far more effective than placing an ad to make your announcement.

Although there are plenty of ways to market your writing, these three techniques can really help you blast your writing profits through the stratosphere and get you read.

Isn't that why, as writers, we write?

About The Author-- Want more tips on how to make more money from your writing? Then check out Marketing for Writers Learn how to earn $100 a day or more writing articles: 101 Articles.

Increase Profits By Having An Effective Marketing Strategy

Sam at the office (2)
Originally uploaded by A and K
By : James Copper

A renowned American marketing Guru once remarked, "If you are in business not for profit nor for pleasure, what the hell are you doing there!" Every word of that verdict rings true till today. Profitability is the first and the last word of running a business. However, all businesses are not necessarily high profit yielding and besides, there is no such guarantee that each and every business will run well. And even when a business is making a profit, there cannot be any guarantees that every transaction will end up in the positive. As a matter of fact, most businesses fail. Only those that are run efficiently see the light of profit and last for many days. And profit, like peace of mind, is temporary and brief unless every waking hour is spent after promoting it.

Automation to Increase Profits

Since profit motivation is the key word in any business, the more it is increased, better is the deal. However, we all know that to increase profit, we must cut costs. But which segment of production or planning will be axed is of prime consideration. As for cutting cost at the grass root level, why not cut overhead by automating most of the non-producing items like accounting, customer care, voice mail, sales reporting, ordering and record keeping. Computerization helps a business automate much of the process. There are many software applications that also do the job wonderfully well.

After the overheads come the variable expenses that can be cut either by way of negotiating with the supplier or by re-structuring the production process. As for negotiating with a steady supplier who had been regularly paid over a continued period of time, he or she would be only too glad to cooperate as long as his or her own basic profit is not disturbed. And restructuring or re-engineering with new innovative tools should not pose a problem.

Enhance Production to Increase Profits

Now come the question of increasing the production since that will also help increase the profitability of a product. This may be achieved with the introduction of newer, faster tools or machinery while the same workmen can be trained to work with faster machines. On the other hand, paying incentives to workmen for a higher yield is nothing new. Henry Ford did it in 1921 while other US employers are doing the same today. This way, both the employee and the employer are happy the employee because he or she is getting higher wages and the employer because the productivity has gone up and it brings in more dollars.

Yet another way of increasing profit is through finding ways in which the product line can be diversified. This not only generates more profit but also creates reputation for the business. A south California based car cover and seat cover making business house suddenly discovered that the same seat cover, if more precisely crafted following the exact contours of the seat as installed by the auto maker, would sell at a much higher price, labeled as 'Custom Seat Cover". By going one step further, they studied seat cover dimensions for different marque of cars and SUVs and with the help of computer aided designing and making produced such unbelievable covers that auto giants like the General Motors were overwhelmed.

About The Author-- James Copper is a writer for http://www.marketinglinx.com where you can get help with your business so you can increase profits

Do you have a Business Idea?

Sam at the office
Originally uploaded by A and K
By : Kumar Sudhir

Every year tens of thousands of people strike out on their own with a vision of starting a successful business. They have the idea, they've got the plan…all they need now is to take the actions to turn their dream into reality.

It is at this point that many a budding entrepreneur comes unstuck. No matter how hard they try, failure seems to greet them at every turn. Of course, all seasoned entrepreneurs know that it takes a hell of a lot of determination and guile to keep on driving forward in the face of adversity. It also takes some know-how…practical knowledge that stacks the odds of success in their favor.

Getting to grips with Joint Ventures

One of the best routes to business success for entrepreneurs is establishing joint ventures. The right joint venture partner can help kick-start a business and get the all-important cash flowing in. What's more, setting up a joint venture does not require a financial outlay on the part of the entrepreneur either.

So, what could a joint venture partner bring to your business? They could bring expertise, a ready-made customer database, manpower, equipment and access to foreign markets. The right joint venture partner could even run your operation for you in return for a share of the profits generated, or provide financing in exchange for equity share. The possibilities are endless!

Finding Joint Venture Partners

Historically, locating joint venture partners to work with tends to be a drawn-out process. First off you must advertise your requirements and then conduct interviews to find the right type of candidate who fits with your needs and company ethos.

Today, thankfully, there is an easier way. Joint venture search companies, such as www.jvbase.com provide entrepreneurs with quick access to joint venture partners.

These types of joint venture search facilities screen potential joint venture partners, manually matching them up with your requirements. They remove a lot of the hassles that are traditionally associated with finding joint venture partners, so leaving you free to concentrate on the more important aspects of moving your business forward.

If you have a business idea and have the determination to make it work, no matter what obstacles stand in your way, get together with a joint venture partner. By doing so, you could find yourself on the fast track to success.

About The Author-- Name: Pandit Sudhir Address: House No 11. Chandigarh Email: panditsudhir1982@gmail.com Country: India State: Punjab Aim: To become a respected personality in the universe