What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me?

What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me?
by: John Farina

Affiliate marketing can be defined as a widespread method of promotion in which an affiliate is rewarded for every view, sale, and/or registration produced through the affiliate's efforts (depending on the type of affiliate program).
It's similar to collecting commissions as a typical salesperson would. The more the affiliate sells... the more the affiliate gets paid. It's as simple as that!
Compensation calculations vary but are typically based on one of the following:
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) - a specific amount is paid for each visitor the affiliate sends
Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) - where the affiliate is paid for registrations or sign-ups
Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) - a specific commission per sale is paid to the affiliate
If your goal is to generate your entire income online you can drive traffic from your subscriber lists, your websites, and from other marketing methods to affiliate links.
What About Product Sales and Marketing?
You'll want to watch for great products and services with the potential to benefit your niche market and your mailing lists. To build trust and income, it's best to recommend only those products that will be of specific interest to them. It's a win-win situation for everyone that way.
When an affiliate is marketing any product, the cost of marketing the product is absorbed by the affiliate, so it's important to keep that cost in mind when promoting products. Typically the higher the percentage of affiliate commissions possible from any quality product, the more that product is worth promoting. When a product is sold through the affiliate's personal link, depending on the service used, the total sale is divided up among the vendor, the affiliate, the taxing authority, the shipper (if any), and the payment processor.
It is common and expected that all affiliate details be spelled out in the affiliate sign-up process. However, you shouldn't be afraid to contact any vendor to clarify their affiliate program if you have questions. Often you can telephone or email for a fast reply. If they are not willing to answer your questions then you should stay away from them. There are plenty of other quality affiliates programs that would love to have you!
Is a Digital Lifestyle for Me?
Many standard retailers offer very small commissions for affiliate sales while most internet marketers offer around 50%-75% of the sale for being an affiliate of their digital product. This is why being an affiliate of digital products can be very lucrative in a relatively short period of time.
Although the number of affiliate programs for tangible goods and off-line services is rising, a completely digital lifestyle can be developed solely from digital or downloadable affiliate products that may never take physical form.
Of course it's important to note that as an affiliate of any tangible product, you generally never do more than promote a link to the product online. So in that sense it's basically the same as a digital product. One of the best places to find digital products to affiliate with is ClickBank.com. They have an automatic affiliate program built into their payment processing service so that affiliate payments are not left up to the product owner to process.
Three other good affiliate programs to check into are:
CJ.com (Commission Junction)
Staying with reputable, well-known internet vendors makes a great deal of sense because you know you will get paid, you know when to expect a check or bank deposit, and you can see your account details online at any time. Plus, if you do have a problem they are more than willing to take care of it.
How Do I Get Started?
There are many ways to start with affiliate marketing, but a basic starting point is to have a web site with text or image affiliate links to products you want to promote. Generally you want to stay focused within a niche or interest group to increase your sales potential. In other words, you don't want to have many different affiliate links to variety of completely different markets on your website. Stick to a similar theme.
If you have used the products, your promotional efforts could include a product review based on your own experience along with images and other supporting information.
Developing an email opt-in list is helpful in affiliate marketing because it gives you the opportunity to find the products and information with the most potential benefit for a group of like-minded individuals (your subscribers) and tell them about it. A targeted list of subscribers, that you have built a good relationship with could be worth thousands of dollars over time.
By promoting affiliate products to several targeted niche markets, it is possible to create a substantial income over time. Especially when the affiliate marketer is only promoting quality products with a real potential to benefit customers within the niche.
In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a great way to build an income without having a product of your own, and without having to do much more than get interested people to view product information through your affiliate links. It's very easy to get started and can eventually put a lot of money in your pocket. But be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort. Making money online through affiliate programs is not easy. If it was everyone would be rich.
This article may be reprinted providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio and link to the URL displayed.
About The Author
John J Farina is a successful affiliate marketer. He provides expert reviews on which affiliate programs to join and which ones to avoid like the plague. He shows people how to actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily modeled systems. An example of such a system that you can study and duplicate is at: http://www.johnnysreviewsite.com/

Good Nameplate Design: The Rules

Good Nameplate Design: The Rules
by: Steve Begor

New businesses need a logo that speaks, that is easily recognizable, that has style. Good nameplates are an extension of a good logo.
Manufacturers often try to emulate the nameplate design of the most recognizable brands in their respective industry, often at a great expense: quality design. While a brand might have a strong identity and a legacy of quality, a closer look at its branding techniques may reveal conceptual flaws that new businesses must avoid. Take Marshall Amplification, the gold standard of the rock n roll sound: its nameplate is one of the worst—a white, cheap plastic nameplate with the company name in cursive. In imitating a nameplate with poor design and construction such as Marshall’s, competitors look cheap and lack the cutting edge; it is more difficult for these fledging products and companies to stand out.
So what are the rules of good nameplate design?
Use a medium that compliments the packaging of your product. Labels and even domed labels are run-of-the-mill—they do not speak with any authority. Three-dimensional plastic or metallic nameplates, however, not only present your brand visually but also allows the user to actually touch your brand, creating a visceral, multi-sensorial attachment between product and consumer. Customization options for 3-D plastic and metal nameplates allow for greater design control in the configuration of your nameplate.
Give your copy/logo room to breathe. On a nameplate, just as on a printed page, white space is a critical part of design. Make sure there is enough background so that the background adds depth to the logo. The right perspective between copy and background is key.
Emphasize color. A nameplate with a spot of color instead of just black and silver will always have more pop. But monochromatic nameplates—i.e. black-on-black or contrasting shades of silver—remain iconic and cool.
Complement your copy with an appropriate background design. Square corner backgrounds, for example, work best with block style lettering and script or italic copy look better with radius corners, or ovals and circles. You should always layout your copy in several different background shapes to get a feel for the best aesthetics for your nameplate/logo.
Mix materials and manufacturing processes. For a look that will make your nameplate/logo stand out from the crowd, mix mediums and materials in the manufacture of your nameplate. Domed nameplates—especially those with four-color intricate design—look great in bezels or as a part of the nameplate. When you combine the color of doming into a molded or metal nameplate, the branding takes on a totally different look. Molded logos in etched metal nameplates can also add splash or vice versa.
For additional information about nameplates and examples of customized designs, visit http://www.id3logos.com/.

Using Hand-Written Notes to Build Your Business

Using Hand-Written Notes to Build Your Business
by: Kristine M. Lewis

Recently, I attended a networking event for my company. The speaker that night spoke about good networking practices. One of the practices she referred to was making sure to follow-up with everyone you meet at these events. She aptly referred to it as “pinging”.
The word “ping” takes its name from a submarine sonar search -- you send a short sound burst and listen for an echo or a “ping” coming back. So, in networking terms, when you send out a ping, whether with an email, a phone call or a hand-written note, you’re inviting that person to “come back” and communicate with you thus beginning a relationship with that person…one that will hopefully benefit you both long term.
I always make it a practice to send out hand-written thank you notes to everyone I meet at these events. I like hand-written notes, because they’re a physical manifestation of your company (your brand) to that potential client, strategic partner or referral source. A hand-written note sets the tone for your company. Hand-written notes also differentiate you from most other businesses. Ask yourself when the last time you received a hand-written note from someone you met at a business setting was?
Quite simply, hand-written correspondence is a wonderful way to build your business. When I say build your business, I am not just referring to acquiring new customers. I am also referring to keeping the customers you have!
According to a study conducted by the Technical Assistance Research Project in Washington DC, 68% of customers leave because of “perceived indifference”. In other words, customers don’t think you care about their business. As Sir William Jones said, “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated”. Our customers and clients want and need to be appreciated, remembered and thanked.
Another great advantage in sending a personal note….people tend to keep these cards. Whenever I receive a nice note from someone, I display it one my desk for awhile. Every time I see the card, I am warmly reminded of that person or business.
So, when should you send a hand-written card to someone? Here are a few suggestions:
* Every time you meet someone new and get their contact information (i.e. a networking function, a business meeting, a training session, on the plane, a social party, waiting in line at the grocery store, etc.)
* When a customer makes a major purchase from you or sends a referral your way.
* When you embark upon a joint venture with a new company.
Here are some other suggested but not mandatory times to jot a quick note:
* A birthday greeting to your clients and associates.
* A congratulatory note when you hear about something great that customer or business associate did. For example, one of my customers published a new book, so I sent her a congratulatory note.
* If you see an article that might be of interest to that client or associate, send them the clipping with a quick note.
* An encouraging note to members of your staff or team.
Remember, every card is a “ping”. It is likely that your message will echo back to you in some way soon!
Writing a hand-written note does not have to be a difficult exercise! When networking, make it a practice to take notes about the people you meet on the back of their business cards, so you have something to reference when you go to correspond with them.
Hand-written notes should only be 3-5 sentences in length. In other words, be short and to the point. If it is your first correspondence with this person, remind them where you met and what you do for a living. Thank them for taking the time to speak with you and perhaps suggest another meeting. Make sure to enclose another business card.
Your personal correspondence should be written on high quality stationery. Remember, your stationery represents your brand. If you are a veterinarian for example, a note card with a cute dog might certainly be appropriate. If you’re an image consultant, you might want something more refined and sophisticated. Personalized note cards with your name and/or company already printed on them are great for establishing a consistent brand or image. Make sure to give your correspondence that extra personal touch by hand-addressing the envelope and using a real postage stamp.
Set aside some time every day to write your notes. I prefer to do this practice at the end of the day. It gives me time to reflect upon the day and allows me to give this practice my undivided attention. It also helps me to end my day on a very positive note…energy which transcends to the following day.
For remembering customer’s birthdays, I have created an Excel spreadsheet with my customers’ names, addresses and birthdays. Once a week, I refer to this sheet to remind myself of the birthday notes I need to send out for that week.
Don’t get me wrong, emails, instant messages, phone calls and the like are all wonderful communication tools! However, taking the time to write a hand-written note really sends the message that you care and you have taken the time to think about your relationship or potential relationship with that person. Those 3-5 sentences can make a mighty impact. And, that ping will come back to you in the mighty echo of increased opportunity. Grab your pen and stationery and get writing today!

New Social Network Marketing Secret

New Social Network Marketing Secret
by: Grant Soosalu

Using the power of Social Networking websites like MySpace or other blogging sites is a great way to promote your business. However, because most of these sites are free, they tend to provide a 'value-less' experience. Instead, a new type of Social Networking website - A Social Reward and Recognition space - can provide an incredibly valuable sales and marketing tool for a very small financial outlay. Let's illustrate this claim by examining a very real example.
Being a nominee on the1000best, a new social reward and recognition website is turning into a marketing dream for Helen Van Den Berg, a tour guide operating from a small remote town in Australia. Helen's profile as 1 of the1000best has seen her inundated with tributes and boosts from her clients, all with one very clear message that Helen is the best tour guide in the world.
Helen's nomination as 1 of the 1000 best tour guides in the world was gifted to her by friends as a way of rewarding, recognising and saying thank you. This gift gave her a Personal Space page on the1000best where Helen profiled herself, her own newly launched web site and her Tour Guide business.
As well as the profile, the website also encourages ongoing positive reinforcement for nominees by giving people the ability to boost' their favourite nominees on a daily basis and to send tribute messages. It is the tribute messages that are paying off handsomely for Helen. "I have been overwhelmed by the tributes I have received and I have been on a constant high with all the positive feedback. This website has to be the ultimate marketing tool - this type of marketing is priceless and it's lead to an amazing amount of traffic to my own website".
The1000best.com takes social networking in a totally new direction. Rather than just providing a platform to connect people, the1000best.com goes the next step by offering a gift of social reward and recognition. Generally, anyone can join a social network for free however to get connected on the1000best.com someone must value you enough to purchase a gift nomination and nominate you as 1 of the1000best in the world (according to them). People with business interests and who are fortunate and worthy of nomination then have a very public platform to market themselves by way of sharing the positive experiences of their clients with the world. Referral systems like this are worth their weight in gold.
Savvy business owners can also nominate their employees or business teams and use the power of social networking and social recognition to both reward their people and gain valuable positive advertising. This is a form of synergistic marketing, in which the business is linked to positive values and social appreciation. As Grant Soosalu, one of the developers of the1000best.com commented "Social Networking is a huge and growing phenomenon, and the1000best.com now provides a fantastic mechanism for showcasing your business by linking your people into this network of value".
So if you want to really make use of Social Networking to promote your business, and do so in a way that links to strong positive values, check out: www.the1000best.com it can work wonders to promote your business.

An Effective Marketing Tip Means Business

An Effective Marketing Tip Means Business
by: Mario Churchill

Is your business just coasting along? Has it been awhile since you’ve noticed a peak in sales? Are you looking for a way to increase business? An effective marketing tip could really make a positive difference in your business. There are many marketing ideas available to the entrepreneur. Finding one that works for you may require some research and perhaps even trial and error. No doubt with the right advice and venue, you can find a marketing tip that will result in business growth.
An effective marketing tip for one business may not work well for your business. The first step to take in determining what might work well for you is to figure out who your target audience is. For example, if you were promoting skin care, your target audience would likely be female. An effective marketing tip in this case would be to advertise in women’s magazines, on the women’s television network and any other venues that cater to the female population. Another great marketing tip in this scenario might be to set up a booth in a high traffic shopping area and provide complementary facials. Tradeshows are also great venues for promoting skin care. Either of these ideas used as a marketing tip could be quite beneficial and mean business.
Many individuals are taking advantage of the worldwide access provided by doing business online. Web site promotion is a marketing tip that has been increasing sales for many companies and businesses in recent years. Using web site promotion as a marketing tip requires some work and may mean the need to hire a professional web designer. However, if this marketing tip proves to be effective, the money spent would have been well worth it.
If looking for a marketing tip that might help your business, browsing the Internet for similar products or services may prove to be beneficial. Researching what other individuals are doing to attract business would provide you with prospective methods of marketing your product or service. If you see that a specific marketing strategy is having a positive impact on a similar business, it would certainly be worth implementing in your marketing plan. Nobody is ever happy when their business is taking a downward spiral. It would be so much nicer to see sales increase and business sky-rocket. An effective marketing tip could put you at the top of your game and make the competition sit up and take notice.