How to Make Money from Facebook Apps?

By : Alex Mike

The app industry has really exploded over the past couple of years, and is making big money. In the past if you wanted to get in on the lucractive app business you would have needed to be well versed in the relevant programming language to be able to write the code for your application, but now anyone can get in on it as an entrepreneur and make good money
from it without needing to have any kind of technical knowledge or skills whatsoever.

There are two major platforms which really dominate this market - Facebook and the iPhone, both of which have a truly enourmous market for new applications. Since I have already written a hub about how to make iphone apps and make money from them, I thought it was about time I wrote another hubpage focussing on facebook instead.

There are two routes which anyone can take to make money from facebook apps which I know of, so take a look at both and then decide which route suits you best - have a go at both!

Make Your Own Facebook Apps

There are many tools available in the market which anyone can use to easily create gift apps for facebook. If you looking for custom facebook application you need to search for Facebook developer or a company offering facebook application development services. There ia real focus on helping you to make money from your creations and each one has 4 potential income streams an they also provide plenty of info on how to maximize the money you make to how to use them to drive traffic to your websites (or hubpages!) if you prefer. Its a great little tool and the only drawback is the limited range of things that you can create with it Plenty of revenue potential though.

About The Author-- FaceBookGenie.Com is based in Texas, US. The company specializes in facebook application development services include consulting and development for other social networks like Bebo and MySpace, as well as options for developing websites, web-based projects, and automating industry specific business processes.

Facebook Fan Page Creation for your Brand!

Working on laptop
Originally uploaded by HansKristian
By : Alex Mike

Facebook has 250 million users. Twitter has 40 million. The potential for your audience on Facebook is clearly much bigger and in a way it's easier to find your target. The Fan Page allows you to add your own apps. We plan on creating a 'box' on fan page which can list latest shows and their comments. On top of custom boxes you can also use the discussion board, this can allow you to get closer to your fan base without having to create custom forums.


1. Pages are public. Most of Facebook is behind a login, preventing search engines from indexing. However, some Fan pages are not behind a login and thus search engines can index the page. Hopefully, people will stumble on the result in SERPs, visit the Facebook Fan Pages, and then get to your site via the link (see reason #2).

2. Pages include links. Because the pages are public, you can get some nice link credit. You can't use an anchor text, but hey, it's free.

3. Send "updates to fans" . One of the greatest features is that you can send "updates" to fans whenever you want. It's a nice way of building a database of interested users. Send messages about new products, updated website, etc.

4. You control the page. Making the page before a Fan or a competitor is critical. You want to be able to send the messages, edit or remove sections, and control the information to an extent.

5. News feed. When a someone joins a Fan page, it's published in their News feed for all their to read (unless they have turned this off). It makes someone joining your Fan page somewhat viral.

About The Author-- offers creation and marketing on fan pages for your products and brand online visibility. To learn more log on to: