The Best Pulling Ad Ever!
by: John Arrington
How this little ad increases your inquires.
I still use this style ad to test the response I’ll receive from ebook or sales letter. I guarantee this ad will pull if you place it in front of the right prospects.
My best ad reads “Free ebook” followed by “enter your name and email address” to receive your Free ebook. This ad has always been my best pulling ad.
In addiction to sending them the Free ebook I also send them to my website. Once I collect their name and email address I also send them follow up emails offering my other products to them.
This works like crazy.
Your best customers will be those who are just starting out online. They are active and seem to be buying everything they come across.
Who are the people who buys the most online?
It is the people who are known as opportunity seekers these are the easiest to sell your products or service too. So make sure you collect their names and email addresses. So you can continue to send them your other offers.
Remember the rule of thumb here. They have to see your advertisement at least 7 times, before they will respond and buy your product.
Many people fail to follow up with their customers with their other offers. And this is like leaving your money on the table. And what happens, their customer will go to another website to spend their money.
In the online business follow up sells is where the big bucks are made. Those who don’t follow up with their other offers will soon be out of business..
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About The Author
John Arrington has been in the marketing business since 1995. John is dedicated to helping others to become successful with their business. You may visit his website at: